Downspout Diverters: How They Work with Rain Barrel Installation

downspout diverter wide

A downspout diverter is a device that is used to redirect rainwater from a gutter downspout into a rain barrel. This allows you to collect and store rainwater for later use, such as watering your garden or washing your car. If you’re considering installing a rain barrel at your home, a downspout diverter is an essential component that you’ll need to consider.

Here’s how a downspout diverter works

What is a downspout diverter?

A downspout diverter is a simple device that consists of a valve and a hose. It’s installed in the gutter downspout and can be easily opened or closed to redirect the flow of water. When the valve is open, the water flows through the hose and into the rain barrel. When the valve is closed, the water flows through the downspout and into the ground as it normally would.

View 1 of 3 Downspout Rainwater Collection Diverter Connector System Colander with Filter 2x3-in in White

How do you install a downspout diverter?

To install a downspout diverter, you’ll need to remove a section of your gutter downspout and attach the diverter in its place. This typically involves cutting the downspout to the appropriate length, attaching the diverter to the gutter using screws or other fasteners, and connecting the hose to the diverter and the rain barrel. It’s a good idea to use a sealant or tape to ensure that the connection is watertight and to prevent leaks.

How do you use a downspout diverter?

Using a downspout diverter is simple. Just open the valve when you want to redirect the water into the rain barrel, and close it when you want the water to flow through the downspout as normal. Some downspout diverters also have a built-in overflow feature that automatically closes the valve when the rain barrel is full, preventing water from spilling out onto the ground.

What are the benefits of using a downspout diverter?

A downspout diverter is an easy and effective way to collect and store rainwater for later use. By redirecting the water into a rain barrel, you can save money on your water bill, reduce your environmental impact, and provide a natural source of water for your garden or other outdoor needs.

In Conclusion

A downspout diverter is an essential component of a rain barrel installation. By redirecting the flow of water from your gutter downspout into a rain barrel, you can conserve water, save money, and help the environment. With a little bit of effort and some basic tools, you can easily install a downspout diverter and start collecting rainwater at your home. We hope the video and images above helped, and if you have any questions we are always here to help.